Elizabeth B. White, MD
Elizabeth B. White, M.D. specializes in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in Covington, Louisiana. Over the years, her commitment to understanding the needs of her patients has led her to develop expertise in a broad range of medical treatments. As a primary care provider, treating newborns to geriatrics, wellness, chronic conditions, and acute illnesses, it is our mission to identify each client’s unique medical needs. We provide the most comprehensive diagnoses and treatments available in the ever evolving medical field while delivering the highest level of patient services and satisfaction.
Dr. White graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT in 1986 and from LSU Medical School in 1991. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in 1995 and started her practice in Mandeville that same year. Dr. White was board certified in Internal Medicine in 1995 and Pediatrics in 1996. Dr. White and her husband, Kirk, are from New Orleans but relocated to the Northshore in 1996 and have 3 children. Dr. White has been on the medical staffs of both St. Tammany Parish Hospital and Lakeview Regional Medical Center since the start of her practice and continues to round at both.